
There will be bugs, feel free to join our Discord to report them to help!
You may access our privacy policy here or our terms and conditions here. Feel free to contact us on our discord server or by email at


prefix – manage the server prefix
– set – set a new prefix for the server
– delete – reset the server prefix to the default

autoban – manage auto-banned users
– add – add a user to be auto-banned
– delete – delete a user from being auto-banned
– list – list all auto-banned users

autonuke – manage auto-nuked channels
– add – add a channel to be auto-nuked during a set time
– delete – delete a channel from being auto-nuked
– list – list all auto-nuked channels

banlist – display list of banned members of this server

hideall – hides every channel in the server or specific types
– text – hide all the text channels
– voice – hide all the voice channels

imageonly – manage image-only channels
– add – add a channel to image-only list
– delete – remove a channel from image-only list
– list – list all image-only channels

lockall – locks down every channel in the server or specific types
– text – locks down all text channels
– voice – locks down all voice channels

moveall – move all or specify a member to move to a voice channel

mutelist – display list of muted members

silencelist – display list of silenced members

textonly – manage text-only channels
– add – add a channel to be text only
– delete – delete a channel from being text only
– list – list all text-only channels

unhideall – unhides every channel in the server or specific types
– text – unhides all text channels
– voice – unhides all voice channels

unlockall – unlocks every channel in the server or specific types
– text – unlocks all text channels
– voice – unlocks all voice channels

ban – bans the specified member

banroulette – enter a member into a ban roulette with a 1 in 6 chance of getting banned

hardban – hardban the specified member. bans and deletes messages

imagemute – mute a member’s image sending abilities

imageunmute – unmute a member’s image sending abilities

kick – kicks the specified member

kickroulette – enter a member into a kick roulette with a 1 in 6 chance of getting kicked

lock – lockdowns the channel you are in

deafen – deafen specified member in voice channels

disconnect – disconnect specified member from voice channel

move – move specified member to voice channel

purge – deletes the specified amount of messages
– attach – deletes the specified amount of messages with attachments
– bots – deletes the specified amount of messages from bots
– humans – deletes the specified amount of messages from humans
– links – deletes the specified amount of messages with links
– stickers – deletes the specified amount of messages with stickers
– contains – deletes the specified amount of messages containing a specific word/phrase
– startswith – deletes the specified amount of messages starting with a specific word/phrase
– endswith – deletes the specified amount of messages ending with a specific word/phrase
– after – deletes the specified amount of messages after the point of a message ID, reply, message link
– before – deletes the specified amount of messages before the point of a message ID, reply, message link
– between – deletes the all messages (up to 1,000) between the point of a message ID or message link and another

silence – completely silences a member by auto-deleting their messages

undeafen – undeafen specified member in voice channels

unsilence – unsilence a member’s message sending abilities

vmute – mutes specified member’s voice

vunmute – unmutes specified member’s voice

naughty – enable NSFW setting for 30 seconds and revert it back

nick – manage the server nickname of a member

nsfw – toggle NSFW setting for the channel

reactionmute – mute a member’s reactions

reactionunmute – unmute a member’s reactions

slowmode – set the slowmode interval for the channel

softban – softban the specified member. kicks and deletes messages

timeout – timeouts the specified member

unban – unbans the specified member

unlock – unlocks the channel you message in

untimeout – remove a timeout from a member

warn – warns the specified member

warnings – list or clear member warnings
– list – list all warnings for a member
– clear – clear all warnings for a member

alias – create your own shortcuts for commands
– add – create an alias for a command
– delete – delete an alias for a command
– list – list every alias for all commands
– reset – reset every alias for all commands
– removeall – remove all aliases for a command
– view – view command execution for alias

maxwarn – set max warnings configuration
– limit – set max warnings a member can receive before taking an action
– action – set action to performed after receiving maximum warnings

autoreact – automatically react to messages containing a specific word with a specified reaction
– add – add a word and reaction to autoreact with
– delete – delete a word to stop autoreacting to
– list – show the list of all auto-reactions

autoresponder – create your own responses for specific autoresponder keywords
– add – add an autoresponder to this server
– delete – delete an autoresponder on this server
– rename – rename your autoresponder keyword
– reset – reset every autoresponder for this server
– author – view the author of an autoresponder
– update – update the response for the autoresponder
– search – search for autoresponder containing a keyword
– list – view a list of every keyword for the autoresponder

autorole – setup role to be given when a member joins the server
– add – add role(s) to be an autorole
– delete – delete role(s) from being an autorole
– list – list all the role(s) that are autoroles
– reset – reset all roles from being autoroles

censor – manage the word censoring system
– config – show censor configuration
– toggle – enabled/disable the censor while keeping the words/phrases/settings
– words – list all censored words
– wordadd – add a word to the censored list
– wordremove – remove a word to the censored list
– phrases – list all censored phrases
– phraseadd – add a phrase to the censored list
– phraseremove – remove a phrase to the censored list
– emojis – delete messages that include emoji names that are censored
– stickers – delete messages that include sticker names that are censored
– nsfw – delete messages that are censored in NSFW channels
– log – set the channel for censor logs to be sent in
– whitelist – list words to ignore from global filtering
– whitelistadd – add a word to ignore from global filtering
– whitelistremove – list words to ignore from global filtering
– channels – list all channels exempt from the censor
– channeladd – add a channel to be exempt from the censor
– channelremove – remove a channel to be exempt from the censor
– roles – list all channels exempt from the censor
– roleadd – add a role to be exempt from the censor
– roledelete – remove a role to be exempt from the censor
– message – enable/disable whether or not it should reply to the user
– messagecustom – set the custom message it should respond to the user if they use a bad word
– messagedelete – enable/disable whether or not it should autodelete response
– nicknames – enable/disable whether or not it should censor nicknames
– nicknameset – set a custom nickname if a name is on the filter (Inappropriate Name)
– global – enable/disable the global filter or do ,censor global english to disable specific languages
– reset – reset all and delete the censor configuration including words/phrases

counter – setup counter channel in the guild (users/members/bots)
– all – create default counters for all, members, and bots
– users – create a user counter
– members – create a member counter
– bots – create a bot counter

counting – manage counting channels
– add – setup a channel for counting
– amount – update the current count
– increment – update the increments from counting
– delete – delete a channel from counting
– list – view all counting channels

embed – create and send your own embed message

forcenickname – force a nickname for a member

ignore – block Moody commands from being used in channels, by members, or all
– all – block/disable all the Moody commands
– member – block a member from using Moody commands
– listmembers – list members blocked from using Moody commands
– channel – block a channel from using Moody commands
– listchannel – list channels blocked from using Moody commands
– cmd – restrict a Moody command from being used
– listcmds – list commands blocked on mobile
– resetall – reset members, channels, and commands being blocked

notifications – get automatic notifications posted by Moody
– epicgames – set a channel to be notified about the free games on Epic Games

nuke – deletes the channel and recreates it

reactionrole – manage the reaction roles
– add – add a reaction role
– delete – delete a reaction role
– reset – reset all reaction roles

roleall – assign all roles to a specified member

rolerestore – restore saved roles for a member

setbanner – change guild banner image

seticon – change guild icon image

setname – change guild name

setsplash – change guild splash image

settings – modify general bot settings for the server
– logs – toggle the bot logs setting to enable/disable
– meters – toggle the bot meters setting to enable/disable
– snipes – toggle the bot snipe setting to enable/disable
– tts – toggle the bot tts setting to enable/disable
– drops – toggle the bot money drops setting to enable/disable
– profiles – toggle the bot profile setting to enable/disable
– notifications – toggle the bot notification setting to enable/disable

steal – steal an emoji or sticker by replying, or adding the sticker/emoji to your message

stickymessages – manage sticky messages for channels
– text – add a sticky text message to a channel
– embed – add a sticky embed message to a channel
– delete – delete a sticky message from a channel
– view – view the sticky message for a channel
– list – view all sticky messages

stickyrole – manage sticky roles
– add – reapplies a role on join
– delete – removes sticky role on join
– list – view a list of every sticky role

tags – create your own responses for specific tags
– add – add a tag to this server
– delete – delete a tag for this server
– rename – rename your tags name
– random – return a random tag
– reset – reset every tag for this server
– author – view the author of a tag
– update – update the contents of your tag
– search – search for tags containing a keyword
– list – view a list of every tag

unbanall – unban all banned members

confession – setup the confessions channel and button
– channel – setup the confessions channel
– button – setup the confessions button

jail – takes users roles and gives them a jailed role
– role – set the role that is given when a user is jailed
– delete – unjail a jailed user and restore their roles
– list – shows all the currently jailed members
– channel – set a channel to post jail-logs
– logs – turn on/off the jail-logs
– strip – enable or disable removal of roles for jail
– config – view the jail configuration for this server

createrole – create a new role

deleterole – delete a role

editrole – edit your server roles
– hoist – toggle a roles hoist setting
– name – edit a roles name
– icon – change a roles icon
– permissions – change a roles permissions
– mentionable – enable or disable pinging a role
– color – edit a roles color
– position – edit a roles position

role – give or take a members roles
– all – give all members including bots a role
– all remove – remove a role from all members including bots
– humans – give all humans a role
– humans remove – remove a role from all humans
– bots – give all humans a role
– bots remove – remove a role from all bots

strip – strips all roles from a member

anti – manage the anti settings for the server
– ghostping – detect and logs ghost mentions in your server
– spam – enable or disable antispam detection
– massmention – enable or disable massmention detection [default threshold is 3 mentions]

autodelete – manage the autodelete settings for the server
– attachments – allow or disallow attachments in message
– invites – allow or disallow invites in message
– links – allow or disallow links in message
– maxlines – sets maximum lines allowed per message [0 to disable]

filter – various filter configuration
– config – check filter configuration for this guild
– toggle – enabled/disable the filter while keeping the settings
– spam – delete messages from users that send messages too fast
– links – delete any message that contains a link
– emoji – delete any message that contains an emoji
– invites – delete any message that contains a discord invite
– caps – delete any message that contains many capitalized letters
– spoilers – delete any message that contains spoilers
– massmention – delete any message that contains mass mentions
– strikes – maximum number of strikes a member can receive before taking an action
– action – set action to be performed after receiving maximum strikes
– debug – turns on filter for messages sent by admins and moderators

boosterrole – manage your own custom booster color/icon
– toggle – enable/disable the ability for boosters to create their own color role
– list – view all the booster color roles
– add – add your own booster role name and color
– random – set a booster role with a random color
– rename – edit your booster role’s name
– cleanup – clean up unused booster roles
– icon – set an icon for booster role
– award – reward a member specific role(s) upon boost
– award unset – remove the awarded role
– award view – view the a specific role awarded to boosters
– award list – view all the roles awarded to boosters
– dominant – set booster roles color to the most dominant color in avatar
– delete – delete custom color booster role

afk – set afk status for when afk

confess – confess to the confessions channel

8ball – ask a question and shake the 8ball

advice – receive random advice from me

bmi – Calculate your BMI

choose – give me options and I’ll choose one

coin – heads or tails

colleen – get a random Colleen Hoover quote

color – give a color name or hex code and receive information about it

commandcount – see how many commands Moody Bot currently has

define – get the definition of a word

synonym – get synonyms for a word

urban – searches the urban dictionary

facts – shows a random useless or animal fact
– useless – shows a random useless fact
– cat – shows a random cat fact
– dog – shows a random dog fact
– panda – shows a random panda fact
– fox – shows a random fox fact
– koala – shows a random koala fact
– bird – shows a random bird fact
– raccoon – shows a random raccoon fact
– kangaroo – shows a random kangaroo fact

finddad – find a member’s father

forcedivorce – force divorce someone’s marriage

frog – watch the frog jump and catch the fly

halloween – how many days until Halloween

ifunny – get the top memes of the day from iFunny

bomb – blow up a member

flick – flick off a member

rate – rate a member

rotate – rotate an image

insult – generates a random insult for yourself or the specified member

leave – leave a server you’re in

bdick – see how big it is

bitchmade – see how bitchmade a member is

bodycount – see how many bodies a member has

compatibility – see how compatible two members are

dick – see how big it is

gay – see how gay a member is

lame – see how lame a member is

lonely – see how lonely a member is

simp – see how of a simp a member is

simpfor – see how much a member simps for

stank – see how stank a member is

toxic – see how toxic a member is

virgin – see how much of a virgin a member is

cake – make custom cake achievements for their birthday

grass – make custom grass achievements

dare – presents either a dare for yourself or for a member

mythorfact – presents a statement and members must guess if it’s a myth or a fact

trueorfalse – presents a statement and members must guess if it’s a true or false

truth – presents either a truth for yourself or for a member

truthordare – presents either a truth or dare based on member’s choice, use random for yourself or random for a member
– random – have the bot randomly choose either truth or dare

mock – mock a user by making them ‘say’ something

moody – useless command, replies with No, I’m a bot. I can’t feel emotions.

kill – kill a member as a joke

stab – stab a member as a joke

stone – stone a member

no – useless command, replies with Yes

palette – generate and display a random color palette as a square image

ping – shows the current ping from the bot to the discord servers

poll – do a poll

quote – quote a message through the bot

rizz – rizz up a member

roll – roll the dice and see what you get

say – have the bot speak what you write

translate – translate from one language to another, use ,language set translate `[language]` to set your default so you just reply with ,tr

usercount – see how many users are currently using Moody Bot

valentines – how many days until Valentine’s Day

xmas – how many days until Christmas

yes – useless command, replies with No

zodiac – useless command, replies with something special

giphy – search for a GIF on Giphy

tenor – search for a GIF on Tenor

botinv – get an invite for any bot

clownboard – manage the clownboard configuration for the server
– channel – select the clownboard channel
– config – show the current clownboard configuration
– emoji – select the clownboard emoji
– amount – select the react count to post to clownboard
– toggle – toggle the clownboard whitelist or blacklist
– color – change the clownboard embed color
– nsfw – change the clownboard nsfw setting
– jumpurl – enable the jump URL button
– attachments – allow attachments in clownboard
– selfreact – allow author’s self react count towards count
– timestamp – display the timestamp of the clownboard message
– blacklist – blacklist a channel from being counted
– unblacklist – unblacklist so it can be counted again
– whitelist – whitelist a channel so it can be counted
– unwhitelist – unwhitelist a channel so it can’t be counted
– list – see the list of channels blacklisted/whitelisted depending on the toggle
– on – turn on the clownboard while keeping settings
– off – disable the clownboard while keeping settings
– reset – resets the clownboard settings

starboard – manage the starboard configuration for the server
– channel – select the starboard channel
– config – show the current starboard configuration
– emoji – select the starboard emoji
– amount – select the react count to post to starboard
– toggle – toggle the starboard whitelist or blacklist
– color – change the starboard embed color
– nsfw – change the starboard nsfw setting
– jumpurl – enable the jump URL button
– attachments – allow attachments in starboard
– selfreact – allow author’s self react count towards count
– timestamp – display the timestamp of the starboard message
– blacklist – blacklist a channel from being counted
– unblacklist – unblacklist so it can be counted again
– whitelist – whitelist a channel so it can be counted
– unwhitelist – unwhitelist a channel so it can’t be counted
– list – see the list of channels blacklisted/whitelisted depending on the toggle
– on – turn on the starboard while keeping settings
– off – disable the starboard while keeping settings
– reset – resets the starboard settings

logs – set up logs in the server
– all – quickly start logging all actions on the server
– set – set the logs channel based on type
– events – set the events you want to log, do ,logs on to enable then ,logs config for list
– config – show the current configuration of the logs for the server
– on – turn on logs while keeping channels/settings
– off – turn off logs while keeping channels/settings
– reset – resets the logs channels/settings

balance – check your balance or another members

beg – beg from someone to give you some coins or risk getting robbed some

blackjack – play Blackjack and see if you can hit higher than the dealer or 21

crime – commit a crime and see if you get away with it or not

daily – receive your daily bonus

deposit – deposit coins to your bank account

gamble – try your luck by gambling

hunt – go hunting and see what you find

monthly – receive your monthly bonus

rob – attempt to rob another member

transfer – transfer coins to another member

weekly – receive your weekly bonus

withdraw – withdraw coins from your bank account

work – go to work and earn some coins

adopt – adopt a member into your family

delete – reset your family

disown – disown a member from your family

divorce – divorce your partner

family – view a member’s family

marriage – find information about a members marriage

propose – propose and get married to another member

cuddle – cuddle a member

feed – feed a member

hug – hug a member

kiss – kiss a member

pat – pat a member

poke – poke a member

slap – slap a member

smug – smug at a member

tickle – tickle to a member

uwu – uwu your text

reverse – reverse your text

fortnite – view the Fortnite shop rotation, map, and more
– shop – view the today’s shop rotation on Fortnite
– stats – view a players stats for the season
– map – view the current map on Fortnite
– drop – get a random location on the map to drop on
– code – view information on a creator code
– news – get the current battle royale, save the world & creative news

image – edit your avatars or another members
– blur – blur a members avatar or image
– rainbow – rainbow a members avatar or image
– greyscale – greyscale a members avatar or image
– invert – invert a members avatar or image
– sepia – sepia a members avatar or image
– mirror – mirror a members avatar or image
– deepfry – deepfry a members avatar or image
– triggered – triggered a members avatar or image
– prison – prison a members avatar or image
– trash – trash a members avatar or image
– point – great point a members avatar or image
– beautiful – beautiful a members avatar or image
– affect – affect a members avatar or image
– makeout – make two member avatars makeout
– spank – make two member avatars spank
– fusion – make two member avatars fuse

img – search for images on Google

12ft – convert an input URL to a link

avatars – displays yours or a members avatar history or clear your own
– clear – clear your avatar history

births – shows the number of births this year and today

book – lookup information on books

boosters – display list of members who boosted this server
– lost – display list of lost boosters

bots – checks the number of bots in the server

crypto – lookup information on a crypto currency

deaths – shows the number of deaths this year and today

domain – lookup a domains whois information

feedback – provide feedback to help make Moody better

firstmessage – fetches the first message of a specified or current channel

freegames – see the current free games on Epic Games
– soon – see the upcoming free games on Epic Games
– set – set a channel to be notified about the free games on Epic Games
– delete – remove a channel from being notified about the free games on Epic Games
– config – view the notification settings
– role – set a role I’ll ping when a new game becomes free
– roledelete – delete the role I’ll ping when a new game becomes free to revert to @everyone

hacked – shows the number of websites hacked this year and today

help – command help menu

invite – gives you the bot’s invite link

lastimage – fetches the last image of a specified or current channel

lastvideo – fetches the last video of a specified or current channel

leaderboard – display the economy, messages, voice, invite, or XP leaderboard
– economy – display this servers economy leaderboard
– xp – display this servers XP leaderboard
– voice – display this servers voice time leaderboard
– messages – display this servers messages leaderboard
– invite – display this servers invite leaderboard

link – direct invite link for Moody Bot

listen – turn on continous tts when you type anything must be in the chat of voice channel

membercount – display server member statistics

members – display recently joined members of this server

about – shows bot information

avatar – display your avatar or another members

banner – display your banner or another members

channelinfo – shows information about a channel

emojiinfo – shows info about an emoji

emojis – shows the emojis in the server.

guildinfo – shows information about the server

inrole – display members of a specific role

inviteinfo – shows information about a Discord invite

joinpos – shows a members join position in the server.

roleinfo – shows information about a server role

roles – display roles of this server

server – shows information about the server
– banner – show the server banner
– splash – show the server splash
– icon – show the server icon

savatar – show yours or a members server avatar

uptime – gives you bot uptime

userinfo – shows information about the user

mostused – shows yours or a members most command used

movie – lookup information on a movie

msg – show the number of messages sent by a member

names – displays yours or a members username/nickname history or clear your own
– clear – clear your username/nickname history

ocr – extracts text from an image using OCR

oldestmember – shows the oldest member in the server.

onthisday – provides a historical event that occurred on today’s date

opt – opt out/in of having your message data tracked (most commands/features require this to function)
– out – opt out of having your message data tracked
– in – opt back in of having your message data tracked

population – shows the current world population

premium – check yours or a members premium status

remind – get reminders for a duration set about whatever you choose
– delete – delete a reminder
– list – view a list of your reminders

reveal – reveal the original URL of a short link

screenshot – takes a screenshot of a given URL using Screenia API

seen – see when a member was last active

show – lookup information on a show

twitterdown – download a twitter video

vanityuses – checks the usage count of the server’s vanity URL

wordofday – provides the word of the day with its definition.

words – queries the Datamuse API based on word constraints

youngestmember – shows the youngest member in the server

selfprefix – sets a self prefix for every server

minecraft – fetch Minecraft player/server information, set your own Minecraft username, or view another members
– set – set your own Minecraft username on your profile
– delete – delete your Minecraft username from your profile
– status – retrieve the status and details of a Minecraft Server

roblox – fetch Roblox player information, set your own Roblox, or view another members
– set – set your own Roblox information on your profile
– delete – delete your Roblox information from your profile

scannables – view yours or another members Spotify Scannable

games – play fun games and feel free to do check your scorecard
– connect4 – play connect 4 with another member
– fasttype – play Fast Type and aim for your best words-per-minute
– findemoji – play Find the Emoji and see if you can remember the board
– flood – play Flood and aim to do it in as little moves as possible
– matchpairs – play Match Pairs and match in as little turns as possible
– minesweeper – play Minesweeper and don’t let the mines blow you up
– rockpaperscissors – play Rock, Paper, Scissors with another member
– tictactoe – play Tic-Tac-Toe with another member
– trivia – play Trivia and see how many questions you can get right

scores – view yours or a members scores in Moody Games
– connect4 – view yours or a members Connect 4 scorecard
– findemoji – view yours or a members Find Emoji scorecard
– flood – view yours or a members Flood scorecard
– matchpairs – view yours or a members Match Pairs scorecard
– minesweeper – view yours or a members Minesweeper scorecard
– rockpaperscissors – view yours or a members Rock, Papers, Scissors scorecard
– tictactoe – view yours or a members Tic-Tac-Toe scorecard
– trivia – view yours or a members Trivia scorecard
– fasttype – view yours or a members Fast Type scorecard
– reset – reset all your game scores


stats – display yours or a members stats

statstracking – enable or disable tracking stats

Note: Stats tracking must be enabled for this to work. Will be adding a level up message enable/disable, so for now it’s disabled. 

xp – show yours or a members XP earned

level – show the level of a member

rewards – view the level rewards for this server

rank – show yours or a members rank card

setlevel – Set a level for a member

setxp – Set an XP amount for a member

reward – add or delete rewards for reaching levels
– add – create an role reward for a level
– view – view the role reward for a level
– delete – delete a role reward

addinvites – add invites to a member

invitecodes – list all your invites codes in this guild

inviter – shows inviter information

inviterank – configure invite ranks
– add – add auto-rank after reaching a particular number of invites
– delete – delete invite rank configured with that role

inviteranks – shows the invite ranks configured on this guild

invites – shows number of invites

invitesimport – add existing guild invites to users

invitetracker – enable or disable invite tracking in the server

resetinvites – clear a members added invites

detect – use this to detect the probability if something is written by AI

noprefix – enable/disable no prefix for every server and disable commands for yourself
– cmd – disable a command when using no prefix
– list – list all the commands disabled when using no prefix

safe – check the safety of a URL using Google Safe Browsing

selfpurge – deletes a specified amount of your own messages

vanity – check if a vanity is available

selfcolor – set or views member’s profile color
– set – set your profile embed color
– delete – delete your profile color

bio – set your own bio or view another members
– set – set your own bio for your profile
– delete – delete your bio from your profile

birthday – set or view birthdays
– set – set your own birthday
– delete – delete your birthday

behance – set your own Behance or view another members
– set – set your own Behance information on your profile
– delete – delete your Behance information from your profile

deviantart – set your own DeviantArt or view another members
– set – set your own DeviantArt information on your profile
– delete – delete your DeviantArt information from your profile

github – set your own GitHub or view another members
– set – set your own GitHub information on your profile
– delete – delete your GitHub information from your profile

pinterest – set your own Pinterest or view another members
– set – set your own Pinterest information on your profile
– delete – delete your Pinterest information from your profile

vsco – set your own VSCO or view another members
– set – set your own VSCO information on your profile
– delete – delete your VSCO information from your profile

cashapp – set your own CashApp or view another members
– set – set your own CashApp information on your profile
– delete – delete your CashApp information from your profile

paypal – set your own PayPal or view another members
– set – set your own information on your profile
– delete – delete your information from your profile

venmo – set your own Venmo or view another members
– set – set your own Venmo information on your profile
– delete – delete your Venmo information from your profile

codm – set your own Call of Duty: Mobile or view another members
– set – set your own Call of Duty: Mobile information on your profile
– delete – delete your Call of Duty: Mobile information from your profile

epic – set your own Epic Games or view another members
– set – set your own Epic Games information on your profile
– delete – delete your Epic Games information from your profile

riot – set your own Riot ID or view another members
– set – set your own Riot ID information on your profile
– delete – delete your Riot ID information from your profile

steam – set your own Steam or view another members
– set – set your own Steam information on your profile
– delete – delete your Steam information from your profile

language – set your own language or view another members
– set – set your own language for translate and profile
– delete – delete your language

lastfm – set your own or view another members
– set – set your own information on your profile
– delete – delete your information from your profile

soundcloud – set your own SoundCloud or view another members
– set – set your own SoundCloud information on your profile
– delete – delete your SoundCloud information from your profile

spotify – set your own Spotify or view another members
– set – set your own Spotify information on your profile
– color – set your own Spotify Scannables background color
– wave – set your own Spotify Scannables wave color
– delete – delete your Spotify information from your profile

profile – view your profile or view another members

instagram – set your own Instagram or view another members
– set – set your own Instagram information on your profile
– delete – delete your Instagram information from your profile

reddit – set your own Reddit or view another members
– set – set your own Reddit information on your profile
– delete – delete your Reddit information from your profile

snapchat – set your own Snapchat or view another members
– set – set your own Snapchat information on your profile
– delete – delete your Snapchat information from your profile

threads – set your own Threads or view another members
– set – set your own Threads information on your profile
– delete – delete your Threads information from your profile

tiktok – set your own TikTok or view another members
– set – set your own TikTok information on your profile
– delete – delete your TikTok information from your profile

twitter – set your own Twitter or view another members
– set – set your own Twitter information on your profile
– delete – delete your Twitter information from your profile

socials – view your socials or view another members

kicktv – set your own Kick or view another members
– set – set your own Kick information on your profile
– delete – delete your Kick information from your profile

rumble – set your own Rumble or view another members
– set – set your own Rumble information on your profile
– delete – delete your Rumble information from your profile

twitch – set your own Twitch or view another members
– set – set your own Twitch information on your profile
– delete – delete your Twitch information from your profile

youtube – set your own YouTube or view another members
– set – set your own YouTube information on your profile
– delete – delete your YouTube information from your profile

timezone – set your own time or view another members time
– set – set your own timezone
– delete – delete your timezone
– find – finds a timezone based on location

esnipe – snipes the last edited message

psnipe – snipes the last purge

ras – removes the all sniped messages (snipes, edit snipes, reaction snipes, and purge snipes)

rms – removes the last sniped message (snipes, edit snipes, reaction snipes, and purged snipes)

rsnipe – snipes the last reaction to a message

snipe – snipes the last deleted message

stop – stop the TTS playback and clear the queue
tts – use the bot for text-to-speech

voice – set your own TikTok TTS or revert to Google TTS default
– set – set your own TikTok or Google TTS voice
– reset – reset to default Google TTS voice
– list – list of all available TTS voices

voicemaster – commands for voice channel
– interface – generate the voice channel interface
– lock – lock the voice channel
– unlock – unlock the voice channel
– ghost – hide the voice channel
– reveal – show the voice channel
– claim – claim the voice channel
– permit – allow a member to joining
– reject – block a member from joining
– rename – rename the voice channel
– transfer – transfer channel ownership
– setup – setup the category and join the create
– reset – reset the category and join the create
– delete – delete the voice channel